Hello dear ones...I just wanted to write a quick post as I have been away from the blog for far too long, and many lovely souls from Etsy and elsewhere have been asking how I'm feeling. I had a terrible asthma episode in late January, which necessitated having to take a nasty medicine called methylprednisolone. It takes some time to clear the asthma, but it does work, but has some very uncomfortable side effects. The main disturbance happens in my nervous system, which goes completely out of whack and makes me feel like I drank a hundred Red Bulls (not that I have ever actually drank one, but from what I gather it makes you quite speedy). So it aggravates my anxiety disorder and restless legs syndrome, and since I haven't been able to get on my yoga mat, since you need to be able to breathe to do yoga, I had very little help in reducing these effects. It is still in my system and I'm still trying to work it out as best I can.
It also compromises the immune system, so I was basically in quarantine for weeks...cabin fever is really an understatement in this case.
So there have been no malas, no blogging...not much of anything except trying to get through the day as best I could (thank goodness for Eckhart Tolle TV and Netflix!). The cough is finally subsiding and I've been able to cut down on my nebulizer medicine just a bit, so I am heading in the right direction. I was able to make it to the bead show last weekend, I was so determined as it only comes twice a year. So when my energies are back where they belong, there will be some lovely new malas in the shop. The one I have been really aching to make is aquamarine...look for that one first!
I do have some very good news...I had my follow up CT scan and appointment with my thoracic surgeon at SK late last week. Everything is looking very good...no change in my CT scan, my surgeon sooo happy with how I'm healing. I got very watery as I thanked him over and over for not just saving my life (no more breast cancer) but for saving my quality of life. The infection in my sternum had made me feel, for over two years, that my chest was on fire, in constant pain, and not able to do much of anything. No yoga, that was the hardest to accept. So he really gave me my life back, and this is not an understatement. His eyes filled up as I gave him a great big thank you hug. And so with that I was discharged from his care...one down and several to go.
Several in that I have a pulmonary appointment in a week and a half, and then at the end of the month I will be heading back to SK for three appointments in one day...first, the Infectious Disease doctor who will hopefully be telling me that 6 months of antibiotics will be enough to make sure that the infection in my sternum doesn't come back. I have 5 months down, one to go. After that I will be seeing the Head/Neck surgeon, who will probably tell me that I will be needing surgery to have my thyroid removed. I'll be crossing that bridge when I get to it. My last appointment that day will be with my oncologist, which should just be a quick follow up and checking in to make sure my system is doing okay with the hormone reducing meds. That will be a very busy day!
So that should bring everyone up to speed...thank you all for your lovely inquiries, they really do make me feel so loved and supported, especially when I can't breathe very well or do much of anything. Spring is almost here and with it will bring all kinds of new beginnings, hopefully including lots of malas and yoga. Hooray!