Sunday, April 22, 2012

Savasana Sunday

Courtesy of "The Daily Mutts"
Going to curl up and watch Baba Ram Dass on Super Soul Sunday.
Then get back to reading Lucy Edge's "Yoga School Dropout" (loving it).
And hope that my lungs continue to heal (not quite there yet).
Wishing everyone a peaceful, blessed Sunday.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

When You Get There

Somebody, I don't recall who, once said:  "When you get there, there's no there there".  This applies not only to location in space, but also to time: when you get to the future, you find yourself in the present moment.  So the future never comes.  Don't let the thought of future (or past) obscure the preciousness of the present moment.  ~ Eckhart Tolle

Makes such perfect logical sense, so why is it so hard to do?  Any other way is seemingly insane, yet we get so wrapped up in "when I finish this, when that is done, when I get that raise, when I buy that house, get that promotion", and for me "when I am feeling better", among a bazillion others, that it is a willfull practice, every day, every minute, to come back to this moment, and this moment only.