Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Witness Is the Door

Inner & Outer Consciousness: Witness is the door to create a shift from reaction to response

by Gurudev

It is important to pay attention to what you are doing and where you are going in order to get what you want and arrive at your desired destination. But to get to the Source within, you have to be in response to the present to stay connected to your Being.

If your attention is heavily consumed by the insecurity or fear, your future will captivate your attention. Your concerns for the future will be more important than the step you are taking now. As long as you are being in polarity, you are in response. Witness is the door to create the shift from reaction to response.

What you want in future represents the outer, external dimension. But, how you do what you do to get there is the inner dimension. The outer dimension is the journey in the dimension of time and space. Inner dimension stays connected to the Being Presence that we are.

Outer dimension we deal with is the material, physical as well as mental forms. But, behind all the forms there is harmonious interplay of consciousness and energy. Only in human beings there is an individual "I AM" and ego-mind that has the freedom to induce personal thought forms for or against omnipresent Presence of "prana Being" or life force energy and consciousness.

The choice breaks the omnipresent Presence of prana-Beings or subconscious life force and super conscious beings that we are. We are "I AM THAT I AM", but through identification with thought forms we separate from the omnipresent Presence of polarity and live in perpetual conflict with omnipresent Presence that we are.

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